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    Effects of Mulching on Soil Hydro-Physical Properties in Kibaale Sub-catchment, South Central Uganda
    (Science and Education Publishing, 2015-10-11) Kakaire, Joel; Makokha, George L.; Mwanjalolo, Majaliwa; Mensah, Albert K; Menya, Emmanuel
    Mulching is one of the major soil and water conservation measures applied for conserving soil moisture and modifying soil physical and chemical environment. The study aimed at assessing the effect of mulching on soil hydro-physical properties in Kibaale sub-catchment in South Central Uganda. Samples were obtained between 0-20 cm depths and under 0, 5, 10 and 15 cm mulch thickness levels. The experiment involved 3 farmers and 4 treatments of corn residue mulch thicknesses each replicated thrice on each of the farmer sites. The main parameters of study were; bulk density, saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat) and water retention. The parameters were determined using core method, constant head method and pressure plates’ method respectively. Laboratory data was statistically analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) from Genstat software Edition 4 and the means differentiated using 5 % least significant difference (LSD). The application of mulch significantly improved all the soil hydro-physical properties that were studied (bulk density, Ksat, field capacity, wilting point, porosity, soil organic matter (SOM), mean weight diameter (MWD) after two seasons. The level of improvement was highest with 10 cm mulch thickness while Ksat, porosity and SOM varied significantly (P< 0.05) with mulch thickness. The study recommends the use of 10 cm mulch thickness. This study provides information to stakeholders such as agricultural experts, watershed managers, farmers and policy makers which will help in formulating guidelines on how to incorporate mulching as an effective method for soil and water conservation in the Sub-catchment
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    Factors affecting adoption of mulching in Kibaale sub-catchment, South Central Uganda
    (International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Management and Informatics, 2016) Kakaire, Joel; Mensah, Albert Kobinah; Menya, Emmanuel
    Mulching is one of the major soil and water conservation measures applied for conserving soil moisture and modifying soil's physical environment. The study aimed at determining the factors which influence the adoption of mulching in the Kibaale sub-catchment, Uganda. 100 structured questionnaires; key informant interviews and observation were used to obtain the socio-economic and institutional data. To determine the factors affecting the adoption of mulching, descriptive statistics, and factor analysis were used. Chi-square (P ≤ 05) was used to establish the relationship between the identified factors and adoption. Using the chi-square test, the study also identified the Education level of household head, household size, accessibility to farmland, and marital status as the major factors that significantly affected adoption of mulching. The community leaders should ensure that the members attain some level of education and ensure that the land owned by individuals is within their periphery of management and control.